OpenNotas - The best personal note-taking app, fast, secure & free | Product HuntOpenNotas - The best personal note-taking app, fast, secure & free | Product Hunt


The best personal note-taking app, fast, secure, and free

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Very simple to use, skip the complicated settings


Use on all electronic devices you have, from phones to computers


Sync anytime, anywhere, as long as you have Internet. Supports offline use

End-to-End Encryption (E2EE)

Encrypt note data with the AES algorithm before storing on the server

Easy to Use

OpenNotas is designed to be easy to use. Just a tap and you can start writing notes immediately.

Feature 1
Feature 1


OpenNotas is available on most platforms, from mobile to desktop, from Windows to Linux, MacOS.


You can set up note syncing across devices through Adapter configuration.

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Feature 1
Feature 1

End-to-End Encryption

Note data is encrypted with the AES algorithm before reaching the sync server, keeping your data always safe and secure.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is OpenNotas free?

Yes, OpenNotas is completely free and open source.

Can I use OpenNotas without an Internet connection?

Yes, you can use OpenNotas without an Internet connection. Data will be stored on your device and sync when you have an Internet connection.

Does OpenNotas store my note data?

No, your note data is encrypted with the AES algorithm before it reaches the sync server. We do not store your note data.

I want to access my notes on a different device

Use the sync feature. Note data is encrypted with the AES algorithm before being stored on the sync server. You will also need to remember the secret key if you want to read your notes.

Will my data ever be lost?

Data is stored in the persistent memory of the browser you use to install OpenNotas. Therefore, data is only lost when you clear the cache or uninstall the OpenNotas app or the browser. I recommend you use the sync feature or back up your data regularly to avoid unfortunate situations.

I'm experiencing some errors, what should I do?

Contact me directly or via the Telegram community channel for assistance!

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Install the best personal note-taking app, fast, secure, and free

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